When shopping for a new laptop, office computer, or home desktop, people are torn by an overwhelming decision. Mac, or PC? The decision however, is simple. Contrary to the belief of current stubborn PC users, Mac takes technological advancements even farther than the ordinary computer. Although there are an abundance of arguments concerning Mac's superiority, I am choosing to enlighten you with the three most important ones.
1) To begin, the software available to Mac users far outdoes the program capabilities of a PC. Not only does Mac contain applications that no other computer even has access to, but they have enhanced everyday programs to be far superior against the average software. For example, an application called "iPhoto" allows even the simplest of minded people to heighten their pictures to top, hang-on-the-wall standards. Also, the common use of a word processing program is uncomplicated, straightforward, and can give you a template for almost any project you can imagine.
2) Along with the high-quality programs a Mac can offer, this company has provided a professional, sleek exterior as well. Made out of one solid piece of aluminum, the MacBook, and MacBook Pro, are ideal for the polished executive, and yet remains convenient for the average student as well. It is attractive, yet durable, and to a society that thrives on appearance, could it be any more appropriate?
3) Every person is unique, so why should everyone's computer be the same? Mac has accessories for every one of their computers that fits the user's exact needs. From a wireless mouse, to a protective laptop case, even as far as a professional photo editing program or movie making software. The ability to personalize your own computer is key to suiting individual needs.
Mac is years ahead in technology, and is developing further everyday. We all know that the only reason people keep their PC is because they have never used a Mac. For the sake of technology, ditch your PC, and get a Mac.